we live in an era of profound cognitive dissonance...ruled by a gang of bigots, thugs, and habitual liars--we resist...rebelling against a looming fascist order...our social system is in a death spiral--the catastrophe of climate change and forced migration becomes more visceral with each passing season...we face the threat of new wars--while still mired in the toxic debris of old ones...the nepotistic ineptitude of 45 brings us close to an existential crisis...either we build power to transform this sick system--bringing regime change home at last...or the craven elites governing our polity will be the harbingers of certain death...there is still hope--and we have subterranean energy and magic on our side...but the clock is ticking--and the death spiral of delusional omnipotence haunts our global human tribe...
--BYPO PHOENIX c) 2017